


ライン出しショット実践練習中! こんにちわCLARDです! 二か月前からステップゴルフに通い始め毎回新しい何かを学べていてとっても充実しています( `ー´)ノ やはり最速で上達するにはお金を出してプロの指導を受けることですね! 今回のレッスンではコーチ…

【Practice for Golf Beginners】5 Simple Ways to Achieve Results [Proven by Myself]

Kyphosis posture → Gorilla posture → Good feeling! Hello, this is CLARD! Since May 2020, the number of new golf beginners in their 20s and 30s has increased rapidly. I am one of them (*‘∀‘) What I would like to emphasize here is I ... ma…

【Golf Round】 Golf Beginner Achieved Under 100 score in 4 Months!

100切り目標達成!! [Table of Contents ] Reflections by each Club! Consider the Points of Reflection from the Last Time! Personal Feeling of Achieving under 100 score! Hello, this is CLARD ★ the goal was Achieved "under 100 score within…

【Challenge under 100 score in 6 Months of Golf History】 Challenge under 100 in 4 Months!

I’ve gained a little confidence by doing basic training and one-handed training. Hello, I'm Clard. Golf started in early June, only 4 months have passed, but I will try under 100 score after 3 days! Originally, it was in time for the end o…


ケビンナの真似してカップインを確信して取りに行くと… インしないってゆー(*´Д`) こんにちわCLARDです! 年末の初コンペと90切に向けてステップゴルフに入会して特訓中( `ー´)ノ 最近は今夏から超弱点のドライバーを中心に練習していますが、気づけばパッ…


こんにちわCLARDです! 最速でゴルフ上達するために10月からステップゴルフに通い始めてます。 マンツーマンレッスンで生徒に応じた指導を行っているのでとーーっても気に入ってます! 現在はティーショットで自信を持ってドライバーを使う事にフォーカスし…


こんにちわCLARDです! 年末の初コンペまでに90切を目標に「STEP GOLF」に入会し着実に新しい事を学び、スイングの修正しています( `ー´)ノ ゴルフ初心者で扱うのが難しいとされるクラブの1つであるドライバー。 最も長く、軽いがゆえにアイアンよりヘッド…

【Challenge 100 Cuts in Half a Year of Golf】 Even Beginners Can be Confident in the Bunker!

The angle is different, but it's evolving in various ways!! Hello, this is CLARD. A week later , it was decided that I would return to Japan temporarily, so I will do a comprehensive review in the next few days and try to cut 100 in the …

【Challenge under 100 Score In Half a year of Golf】Bunker Practice 3 Points-Beginner-

No, I didn’t practice the bunker at all!! Hello, this is CLARD!! Today I have just been playing golf for 4 months! I'm still a beginner in golf, but due to the influence of Corona, I have a lot of time to live in the Philippines, so I p…


こんにちわCLARDです! 2020年6月にゴルフを開始して4か月で100切達成! しかしそれから中々90切が達成できていません(;'∀') 統計的に見ると90切までの所要期間は3~5年かかる方が大半とありましたが、私は最速で成長したいです!YouTubeを参考にしながら学…

【ゴルフ初心者コース】ドライバー不使用でラウンド!in つくばねCC

こんにちわCLARDです! フィリピンでゴルフを始めて、ゴルフをするために千葉県成田市で農業バイトしながらゴルフ歴一年半で90切を目標にYouTubeで学びまくっています! 女子と遊ぶよりゴルフを選んでしまうほどの熱量です(^_-)-☆ モチベが高いのですが、最…

【Challenge Under 100 Score in Half a year of Golf】 Easy Swing Basic Practice!

As a practice method for golf beginners, I 'm currently working on basic swing practice by browsing YouTube while narrowing down the channels ! Well, since I practice at a golf course, I'm still not particular about golf wear and golf shoe…

【Challenge under 100 Score in Half a Year of Golfing!】The Result of Making a Basic Swing Foundation!

[Table of contents] The Result of Making a Basic Swing Foundation! Basic Swing & Left – Hand- Only Strike! Basic Swing & Right- Hand-Only Strike! The Result of Making a Basic Swing Foundation! I feel like I was able to get out of the s…

【Challenge under 100 Score in Half a Year of Golfing!】Making the Foundation of the Basic Swing!

The law that a nice golfer has a beautiful swing One-handed swing practice is also included in the warm-up routine, and the next practice is "Creating the foundation for a basic golf swing" A Korean player posted a beautiful swing on Insta…

【Filipino Cuisine】 Evaluation☆★★★★~If You Want To Eat Cold Noodles, Eat At Angeles! JUNG'S KITCHEN in Angeles~

First of all, I am a professional who eats noodles (self-proclaimed). I'm a professional ramen eater!! Overseas, I am called Mr. NOODLE!! I continue to eat various noodles both locally and overseas! The Clark area where I am staying is dot…

【Challenge Under 100 Score In Half A year Of Golfing!】One-Handed Swing Practice 10 Days ~ 2 Ball Hitting Putter Practice ~

[Table of Contents] Progress of Hitting 2 Balls! Progress After 10 Days Of One-Handed Swing Practice! Progress of Hitting 2 Balls! Compared to Japan, here in the Philippines (especially Clark Area, where I live now), I have never seen t…

【Challenge under 100 score In Half A Year Of Golfing!】One-Handed Swing Practice 1 Week ~Improvement Of Accuracy~

practice of putting (striking two balls at the same time) Of course, this is stopped for shooting! [Table of Contents] The Method And Effect Of Hitting Two Balls! Progress After One Week Of One-Handed Swing Practice! The Method and Effe…

【Filipino Cuisine】 Evaluation☆★★★★~ Belgian Waffles ~Always Provide Freshly Made Waffles

The crispy texture and being served hot improves the taste! I love Southeast Asia and I am a Food hunter who eats anything if it is doesn’t look too gloomy and doesn't smell too bad ! Basically, I am staying in Clark, Pampanga Philippines(…

【Challenge Under 100 Score In Half A Year Of Golf】 Strengthen Your Swing With an Iron-Improve Your Swing-

The style of the one hand swing(Left hand case) [Table of contents] Expected Effect of One-Handed Swing! How To Do One-Handed Swing! Expected Effect of One-Handed Swing! We feel heavy because we hold the club with one hand → I am cons…

【Challenge Under 100 Score In Half A Year Of Golfing! 】Strengthening The Approach!

My favorite driving range staff and Mr. Popo, coach Second from the left (this kind of glue everywhere in the Philippines) By the way, wearing a mask and face shield is a daily routine in the Philippines. [Table of contents] Strengthen Les…

【Filipino foods】 Evaluation☆★★★★~Filipino’s No. 1 Fast Food Restaurant, Jollibee, Which Boasts Overwhelming Popularity That Is Unrivaled By McDonald’s In The World~

The absolute champion of Jollibee ! Larger share and sales than McDonald’s ! I love Southeast Asia. It doesn't look too gloomy, and it doesn't smell too bad I am also a FOOD HUNTER who eats anything! I basically stay in a place called Clar…


何とか90台に戻ってきました(*´▽`*) こんにちわCLARDです! 7月末でゴルフ歴がちょうど一年になるタイミングで 「90切り5戦!」 に挑戦しましたが、あと2打というところで目標達成に至っていません(*´Д`) あと2打、、、 めちゃくちゃ悔し過ぎだったの…


こんにちわCLARDです! 7月末でゴルフ歴がちょうど一年になるタイミングで 「90切り5戦!」 に挑戦しましたが、あと2打というところで目標達成に至っていません(*´Д`) あと2打、、、 めちゃくちゃ悔し過ぎだったので泣きの延長2戦やります(; ・`д・´) 泣…

【Under 100 Challenge in Half A Year of Golf History】5 Points To Achieve Results! ~ YouTube Proven ~

Rainy season in Philippines has passed! It is a scenery that you want to take a picture !! [Table of Contents] 5 Points To Achieve Results! The Next Goal Is To "Under 100 In Half A Year Of Golfing"! 5 Points To Achieve Results! Immediately…

【Filipino Foods】 Evaluation☆★★★★~Super Simple Cantonese Street Filipino Noodle “MAMI”!!~

Completely different depending on the store!! First of all, I am a professional who eats noodles (self-proclaimed). I'm a Professional RAMEN eater ★ Overseas, I am called Mr. Noodle ━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━!! I continue to eat various noodles both …


こんにちわCLARDです! 7月末でゴルフ歴がちょうど一年になるタイミングで現在90切に挑戦中です!(計5戦予定) 今回が第5戦の最終戦となります! 最終戦の対戦相手は3人とも市原市に住むフィリピンゴルフ女子( *´艸`) そしてゴルフ経験値では80台で廻る…

【Under 100 Challenge In Six Months Of Golf History】 Two (2) Issues Found In The Field - Approach & Putter

In the final part of the previous graduation field test, I strongly regret that I made a mistake in the approach and missed a birdie or par due to lack of sense of distance with a putter (-_-;) If I had practiced these…

【Golf Swing】 Things That I Can See In the Graduation Field Exam-To The Final Exam At The End Of August!!~

Golf field exam in ClarkIt was short hall9⃣That atmosphere is so much nice!!I'll focus on practicing iron more!! 詳細はここに記載ゴルフスイング #ゴルフ男子 #ゴルフコーデ #ゴルフスイング動画 #ゴルフ好きな人と繋…

【Golf Round】 Personal lesson Graduation Field Test Final Edition! !~in Air Force City Golf Course~

The final score of the final edition! I think it’s not bad for the result of two months of practice by amateurs [Table of contents] Contents of The Field Test! Consider The Points Of Reflection From The Last Time! Personal Feeling of 18 …


こんにちわCLARDです! コロナ禍になってからやっぱり新人ゴルファーは著しく増加しているようですね(^_-)-☆もちろん私もその新人ゴルファーの一人です! 昨年の6月からゴルフを開始しています。私の場合はフィリピンでマンツーマンレッスンをがっちり4か月…