
【Challenge Under 100 Score in Half a year of Golf】 Easy Swing Basic Practice!


As a practice method for golf beginners, I 'm currently working on basic swing practice by browsing YouTube while narrowing down the channels !


Well, since I practice at a golf course, I'm still not particular about golf wear and golf shoes (-_-)


However, I am proud that I am very particular about how to practice golf swings!

Because, every time I see a lot of people in the practice area, I realize that there are always 10 people and 10 colors.


And if the basics of any sport are not well established, the ability to apply it will be poor.

Even so, the basic training this time was really easy, and the practice feels fun!


[Table of Contents]

  • Points to Keep in Mind Before Swing Practice
  • Flow of Swing Basic Practice

Points to Keep in Mind Before Swing Practice



<Points to note about the practice method that forms the basis of the swing>

  • Open about 1 cm from the end and hold the club longer.
  • The width of the legs is narrow as shown in the image, and it can be closed.


The address looks like this


Do not hold it at the end, but have a margin of about 1 cm from the end


Flow of Swing Basic Practice

  • f:id:CLARDSATO:20201013223344j:plain

    Instead of flying far, fly exactly 30 yards with high probability

  • f:id:CLARDSATO:20201013223603j:plain

    Watch out for the direction of the navel and the triangular keeping of the chest and hands 
  • The right knee may move slightly during takeback.
  • The initial movement feels like pulling up the head.

The position where the head returns changes just by changing the raising method.

  • f:id:CLARDSATO:20201013223723j:plain

    The triangle is kept, but rotates naturally from the waist on the spot 


    The feeling that the body rotates and hits without permission instead of going to the club

  • Be conscious of turning the whole body !!
  • f:id:CLARDSATO:20201013223933j:plain

    Pay attention to the direction of the navel again!


    Keep the balance with one left foot at the finish!
  • At the end of hitting, keep the balance with one left foot (it is difficult to balance with one foot if the foot width is narrow, but I will do my best ( `ー´)ノ)


  • The right foot naturally stands on tiptoe.



  • If you want to make a full swing in this practice, the swing width of 10 o'clock is enough.

  • The finish doesn't have to be the usual clean shape.

  • Once you get used to it, try it with 9, 8 and 7 irons.

  • Image of turning the body more with a driver.

  • What is a full swing? It is important to "hit with full rotation, not full power"