

【Golf Beginner Irons Do Not Hit】Long Irons that are Difficult for Beginners

Hello, this is CLARD! I noticed that it's been a year since I started playing golf on June 6th last week (*´▽`*) It's been a year, but I'm still a golf beginner (;'∀') After all , I say "don't forget our first thoughts" in both work and s…


フィリピンゴルフはプレーヤー1人に対し1人のキャディさんが付きます(*'▽') こんにちわCLARDです! 遂に私のゴルフ発祥の地フィリピンに戻ってきましたー キタ━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━!! 出国する準備、到着してからこの約10日間、かなり忙しく過ごして筋トレも練習もろ…

【Golf Beginner Iron Practice】Practice on a Short Course that Produces Results!

It is also important to practice in an environment close to this course! Hello, this is CLARD! Switch your mind and practice for the next showdown on July 12th! It was reconfirmed that I tend to fly to the right in this course last week, b…

【ゴルフ初心者スコア】国内ラストマッチ in 多古CCバイバイ日本!

国内初戦と最終戦も二代目恩師とマッチング 美魔女とフュージョン( *´艸`) こんにちわ、遂に国内ラストマッチを迎えるCLARDです! ラストマッチだからと言ってスコアに拘ることなく、今回もアプローチ重視でラウンドして前回の課題と反省点を少しでも改善し…

【Golf Beginners Do Not Hit】I Want to Easily Cure the Habit of Hitting to the Right!

There were many cases like this in the course(-_-;) Hello, this is CLARD! At the time of the course debut last week, and during the practice so far, it was scattered "Tendency to fly to the right” This was a frequent problem before, but it…

【Golf Beginner Course】Japan's First Match! VS President VS 2nd Teacher!

Left (Second Teacher) Middle (CLARD) Right (Former President) Hello, this is CLARD! It is a direct showdown with the long-awaited former president and the second teacher in this course! The final adjustment on the previous day is also a de…

【ゴルフ初心者スコア】アプローチ重視でラウンドしてみる!! in 多古CC

やっぱりアプローチが大好きです! 全身ユニクロコーデです(^_-)-☆ こんにちわ、遂に温かくなってきて脱ぎたくなる私の季節、CLARDです! 冬の間はティーアップした状態からのショットを重点的に取り組んでいたため最近はティーショットが結構安定してきてい…