


こんにちわCLARDです! 2020年6月にゴルフを開始して4か月で100切達成! しかしそれから中々90切が達成できていません(;'∀') 統計的に見ると90切までの所要期間は3~5年かかる方が大半とありましたが、私は最速で成長したいです!YouTubeを参考にしながら学…

【ゴルフ初心者コース】ドライバー不使用でラウンド!in つくばねCC

こんにちわCLARDです! フィリピンでゴルフを始めて、ゴルフをするために千葉県成田市で農業バイトしながらゴルフ歴一年半で90切を目標にYouTubeで学びまくっています! 女子と遊ぶよりゴルフを選んでしまうほどの熱量です(^_-)-☆ モチベが高いのですが、最…

【Challenge Under 100 Score in Half a year of Golf】 Easy Swing Basic Practice!

As a practice method for golf beginners, I 'm currently working on basic swing practice by browsing YouTube while narrowing down the channels ! Well, since I practice at a golf course, I'm still not particular about golf wear and golf shoe…

【Challenge under 100 Score in Half a Year of Golfing!】The Result of Making a Basic Swing Foundation!

[Table of contents] The Result of Making a Basic Swing Foundation! Basic Swing & Left – Hand- Only Strike! Basic Swing & Right- Hand-Only Strike! The Result of Making a Basic Swing Foundation! I feel like I was able to get out of the s…

【Challenge under 100 Score in Half a Year of Golfing!】Making the Foundation of the Basic Swing!

The law that a nice golfer has a beautiful swing One-handed swing practice is also included in the warm-up routine, and the next practice is "Creating the foundation for a basic golf swing" A Korean player posted a beautiful swing on Insta…

【Filipino Cuisine】 Evaluation☆★★★★~If You Want To Eat Cold Noodles, Eat At Angeles! JUNG'S KITCHEN in Angeles~

First of all, I am a professional who eats noodles (self-proclaimed). I'm a professional ramen eater!! Overseas, I am called Mr. NOODLE!! I continue to eat various noodles both locally and overseas! The Clark area where I am staying is dot…