


こんにちわCLARDです! コロナ禍になってからやっぱり新人ゴルファーは著しく増加しているようですね(^_-)-☆もちろん私もその新人ゴルファーの一人です! 昨年の6月からゴルフを開始しています。私の場合はフィリピンでマンツーマンレッスンをがっちり4か月…

【Filipino cuisine】 Evaluation☆★★★★~Unstoppable, Unstoppable Mango Graham & Mango Cheesecake!~

The volume of mango in each tub is great!!(Cheesecake) I love Southeast Asia, I am a Food hunter who eats anything if it doesn’t look too gloomy and smells too bad!! I am basically staying in Clark, Pampanga, Philippines(^_-)-☆ [Table …


なんでこーなるんよ!?90から遠ざかったーー(*´Д`) こんにちわCLARDです! 7月末でゴルフ歴がちょうど一年になるタイミングで現在90切に挑戦中です!(計5戦予定) 今回は第4戦目となります! 第4戦目の対戦相手は3人とも前職の方々!そしてゴルフ経験…

【Golf Swing】 Personal Lesson Day 17 ~Wood Is Difficult! ! ~

There is only a sense of discomfort in hitting the ball in front of left toe [Table of contents] Points When Hitting Wood! Wood Impression! Points When Hitting Wood! Same ball position as 4, 5I Left toe opens slightly The foot width is a…

【Philippine Foods】 Evaluation☆☆★★★~When You Are on A Budget And Want To Eat A Lot! Hokkaido Ramen SANTOUKA in SM CLARK~

Very delicious ramen & salmon roe set meal !! Approximately P500(;'∀') First of all, I am a professional who eats noodles (self-proclaimed). I'm a professional RAMEN eater(^_-)-☆ Overseas, I am called Mr. NOODLE!! I continue to eat various…


こんにちわCLARDです! 今週末にゴルフ歴一年で90切りチャレンジ第四戦目となるので現在パッティングの精度を高めることに努めています! というのも7月中旬からずっと違和感のあった左手首がもうドライバーを打てない程に痛みが発生したため手首に負担の少…

【Philippine foods】 Evaluation ☆☆★★★~Yes( `ー´)ノ Let's Eat Chicken! Chicken INASAL! ~

Paa (thigh part) About P100 in this set! Mayong adlaw Ate & Kuya!! ( Good day, ladies and gentlemen!!) I love Southeast Asia, and I'm also a Food hunter who eats anything if it doesn't look too gloomy and smells too bad ( `ー´)ノ Basicall…

【Golf Round】 Personal Lesson graduation field test! ~in Air Force City Golf Course~

Graduation test results! [Table of Contents] Graduation field test flow! Contents of the field test! Caddy's existence! Air Force City Golf Course Facilities and Prices! Personal feeling of field debut! Graduation Field Test Flow! Immediat…

【Philippine foods】 Evaluation☆★★★★~Addictive Enough to Make You Want to Buy a Box! PANCIT CANTON~

Mix a piece of raw egg while the noodle is still hot for much more Yummy! I'm a professional (self-proclaimed) professional RAMEN MAN who loves to eat noodles ! Overseas, I am called Mr. Noodle. The Pancit canton (hereinafter referred to a…

【Philippine foods】 Evaluation☆★★★★~Gently Permeates The Stomach in the Morning!!TAHO~

TAHO, which is also expanding into Japan, has a price difference of about 10 times! Can u believe it!? First of all, I love Southeast Asia, and I'm also a food hunter who eats anything if it doesn't look too gloomy and smells too bad ! Bas…

【Philippine foods】 Evaluation★★★★★~Mango Soft Serve! I Want To Eat Until I Get Tired of it(*ノωノ)~

Each brand is different but absolutely delicious! [Table of contents] About Mango Soft Serve Ice Cream! Evaluation of Mango Soft Serve ! A Place Where Mango Soft Serve Can eat! About Mango Soft Serve Ice Cream! I love Southeast Asia, and …

【Philippine foods】 Evaluation☆☆★★★~The most popular RAMEN in PH!! RAMEN NAGI in Metro Manila ~~

Pig King! (Approximately P400) Highly recognized by Filipinos/ Japanese. First, I'm a noodle-eating pro (self-proclaimed). I'm a professional(^_-)-☆ Overseas, friends and colleagues call me Mr. NOODLE!! I continue to eat a variety of noodl…


またしても100切、90切ならず… 左:15年来の親友(ゴルフ超ビギナー) 中:友人of 友人のゴルフ女子 右:CLARD こんにちわCLARDです! 7月末でゴルフ歴がちょうど一年になるタイミングで現在90切に挑戦中です!(計5戦予定) 今回は第3戦目となります! 第…