

【Agricultural Part-time Job】gricultural Living Part-time Job That Can Help You Save Money During Pandemic

I am given some vegetables every weekend for free! Good evening, this is CLARD! Unemployment due to the Corona Virus is increasing all over the world. Or have caused a sharp decrease in income( ゚Д゚) In the meantime, I think everyone's inte…

【Golf Beginner's Practice】The Most Important Point to Keep Hitting!

The first floor is absolutely good to check the distance! Hello, this is CLARD! About five and a half months have passed since I started playing golf on June 6, 2020. So I'm still a beginner in golf( `ー´)ノ Until October, I practiced gol…

【ゴルフ初心者スコア】スコアは気にせずプレーに集中 in ムーンレイクGC茂原

最高に気持ちいショット連発! しかしスコア111…( ;∀;) こんにちわ、寒さがとっても苦手なCLARDです! 冬になってから確実に練習頻度と時間が減少傾向にあります( 一一) それでも防寒対策をとってゴルフに取り組んでいたのが昨年。 今年は寒い中わざわざ…

You Can Do it Too! A Day of Agricultural Part-time Work ②【Agricultural Blog】

The harvest day is the hardest but the most fun ☆ Good evening, this is CLARD! It’s mid-November, but as you can see in the image, I’m farming with one Long T shirts!! This is enough( `ー´)ノ It’s been 3 weeks since I returned from the Ph…

【Agricultural Part-time Job Blog】 It’s Healthy, But It’s Still Hard on the Body!

First eating RAMEN!! Then refresh the fatigue accumulated in the agricultural part-time job at the hot springs! Good evening, this is CLARD☆ Two weeks of farming work has passed in no time! Every day is a series of new things, so I really …

【Agricultural Part-time Job Blog】Vegetables that are Not on the Market

The road leading to the field has an almost uniform scenery and is difficult to remember (+_+) Hello, this is CLARD! The agricultural part-time job also rushed into the second week, and somehow the work flow and the position of the field b…


いつも通りのアドレスから始まり… こんにちわCLARDです! 年明け早々に東京周辺では雪も降り、寒さが一段と厳しくなりましたね。 そうなると午前中のグリーンはカチコチでアプローチが難しいです! さらには体も温まりにくく、練習場のようなショットが出ず…

【Golf Beginners in Golf Range】 Japanese Golf Range that Does Not Change Even After 30 Years

Practice for the first time in about 2 weeks! Hello, this is CLARD! The first week of the agricultural part-time job is over, and I will go to the driving range for the first time in a while! Fortunately, there are many golf courses in Na…


こんにちわCLARDです! 年末の初めてのコンペがスコアは散々でしたが内容が改善してきているのを実感し、モチベは相変わらず高いです! しかし、年末コンペで散見されたのがターゲット方向より右方向に飛びがちという点。 事前の練習でも右に出やすい若干み…

A Day of Agricultural Work That You Can Do! 【Agriculture Blog】

Tea time every day at 10 and 3 o'clock☆ Hello, this is CLARD! I returned from the Philippines temporarily, and immediately after living in isolation, I am working as a part-time worker at a farm near Narita Airport! Whatever work or part-t…

Easy, Safe and Healthy Farming Part-time Job! 【First Week of Walking Around】

Hello, this is CLARD! I returned from the Philippines temporarily, and my isolation life was over, so it is the first week of farming part-time at a farm near Narita Airport! I'm still learning a lot, but since I'm a part-time worker, I'm …

【Agricultural Part-time Job】I Started a Part-time Job in Agriculture!

Have time alone! (Basically busy (@_@)) Hello, this is CLARD! I returned to Japan temporarily from the Philippines, and since my isolated life was over, I started a farming part-time job at a farm near Narita Airport! Before I started , I …


フュージョンしてる二人は全身ワークンマンコーデ! こんにちわCLARDです! 12月中旬が過ぎるとさすがに寒さが本格的になってきてますね(;'∀') 寒いのが嫌いな私にとっては全然嬉しくありません! だからフィリピンに移住したんです! そんな事言っても始ま…

【ゴルフ90切マネジメント】初コンペでも90切ならず!in 京CC

むしろワーストスコア叩きました…。13位のシールが貼られています こんにちわCLARDです! フィリピンでゴルフを始めて、ゴルフをするために千葉県成田市で農業バイトしながらゴルフ歴一年半で90切を目標にYouTubeで学びまくっています! 目標達成のために二…

Anxiety that Golf Beginners Have 【Resolve the Feelings of Beginners in Various Situations! 】

At first, I was pulling my left elbow and the finish was shaking ... Hello, this is CLARD!! If you just started playing golf, you basically don't know anything (*´Д`) I don't always practice with golfers, and I don't like asking questions…