
How to Set Up【Golf Beginner Lesson】~Address and Takeback~


This is the way to hold it at last!

Hello, this is CLARD!


It is unexpectedly unreasonable for a golf beginner like me (currently 7 months old playing golf) to embody even if the first explanation of how to hold the golf course is given(;´Д`)


First stance = address


But this address is important, which is a sport to reproduce.

There are many cases where the image of the sender and the image of the recipient are different even if they are explained in blunt words!


So in conclusion,


"The shortest is to be taught directly by the body! "


Actually it took me 7 months, but I'm glad that my teacher finally passed the address the other day (^_-)-☆


[Table of Contents ]

  •  Three Main Points of How to Hold
  • Takeback is Also Improved!

Three Main Points of How to Hold


Most recent address

The above and the top image show how I hold it until I consciously correct it.



  1. Tend to be stooped
  2. My shoulders are weak and dull
  3. Insufficient bending of the knees puts a strain on the lower back

I'm learning by watching various YouTube videos myself, but it didn't work well.


And by being aware of the three points that fell into the comprehension, it is finally close to the ideal.



  • Pull your shoulders lightly so as not to lose to the centrifugal force of the club.
  • The spine is slightly warped (this slightly warping condition is difficult because people receive it)
  • Bend the knees without bending too much (this was also very difficult to bend to what angle!)

It was difficult for me to receive it very much because it was difficult to convey just by expressing it in type like this.

However, the easiest thing to imagine was


"How to be prepared when receiving a baseball knock!!”



How to get knocked. Come on batch! It is in this state

Now when you actually grasp the club,


I tried to grasp it with the posture of coming to the batch

Isn’t it a little too forward leaning even if you look at something?

And it feels like my back is too warped(*‘∀‘)


I was shooting while trying this form, and it was very easy to adjust.


And this happened while adjusting little by little☟


For a fairly natural attitude!


You can slightly see the cleavage of my chest , and the pectoralis major muscle is stretched moderately.


Check from my teacher, finally passing score!

Takeback is Also Improved 


Takeback that was uncomfortable is also improved at the same time!

Regarding takeback, I felt uncomfortable with myself since I went around the short course with my friends.

And when I compared the other videos, I felt that something was different ... so I fixed it!


  1. Unstable when the angle of the left arm is high or low
  2. You can see the left knee moving toward the right foot


This shape is ideal


  • When you come to the top, swing your left arm so that it is between your right shoulder and your head.
  • Be aware that both knees move back and forth, not left and right.


We are approaching our ideals!

If you change the form, you will feel a sense of discomfort in the movement of your body, but when your business or sports change, you will feel a sense of discomfort and stress!


A stable shot will be delivered with the correct form(^_-)-☆

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